Tuesday, August 15, 2006


my preferred sticker form are the triangles.

triangle cut from the german postal sticker
barcode stick▲

bigger as a past up , signed with /address-initials or /autohide-toolbars
Both are hints for an optimized pc + browser handling.

autohide toolbars, characterized by the 2 signs "" "»" the fastest way for accessing up to 40 hot symbols ( hot s. where you know acactly the location)

address.initials the fastest access of a bigger amount preferred files + folders + webpages
=> up to 1000 actions with logical 3 digit shortcuts (from theoreticaly 43x43x43 = 80 000)
http://1cm.de#__in_german -_- http://smily.tk

The faults in my eyes from pc users are:

they know this toolbar feature from the START menu , but the they didn´t use this top feature for a bigger amount of files.

Another thing are the subversive stick▲

enlarged size 240x180

As a part of (search) url´s
=> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetart#Weblinks view + klick the flickr links.
The better browsers moz + ie7 are cracking the "►" so an reaction in the url.

the triangles placed in html pages next to the searchterms.
The Aim: more attention in search engine results
TAGs "‼6‗or‗SeX─‗─█════███████████─────.4rtist.com" @ google


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